Nov. 4, 2020
A prestigious FAST Ph.D. fellowship recipient Mr. Syed Shujaat Ali Shah has successfully defended his doctoral thesis. The title of his thesis is “The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Perceived Firm Innovativeness on Customer Loyalty”. Mr. Shah started his Ph.D. program back in 2017 under the supervision of Dr. Zia Khan. During his Ph.D. journey, he has published a research paper in the International Journal of Bank Marketing (IJBM) which is one of the flagship journals for financial services marketing having an impact factor ‘’2.096’’ and ranked ‘’W’’ which is the highest category of journals in the HEC Journal Recognition System (HJRS) 2020. His published paper out of his Ph.D. research can be accessed here:
We congratulate Mr. Shah on achieving this milestone and wish him the best of luck for his future endeavours.