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Final Year Project


Final Year Project

FYP Registration

Registration rules: 

  • For FYP-1 registration you have to meet the eligibility criteria.
  • An FYP group must consists of either 2 or 3 members (Cross-departmental groups are allowed). A group size of 3 members from same degree program is preferable.
  • If any FYP group is taking a project with an external supervisor, then it MUST has an internal supervisor, who is a faculty member of the Fast School of Computing. The registration form has to be signed by the internal supervisor. Signature of the external supervisor will not entitle a student for FYP registration.

Eligibility Criteria

A student must have

    1. The CGPA (>=) greater than or equal to 2.0 (not on academic warning)
    2. No deficiency: Earned credit hours (>=) greater than or equal to 100.
    3. One course deficiency: Earned credit hours (>=) greater than or equal to 96.  
    4. Two courses deficiency: Earned credit hours greater than or equal (>=) 92.

Registration Process for FYP-I

Once you get the email from FYP coordination committee about opening of FYP registration do the following: 

  1. Fill and Submit the online registration form FYP-1 Online Registration Form. (Only one form per group needs to be submitted)

  2. Fill out the FYP-1 Registration Form, (only) get it signed by the internal supervisor at your earliest and submit it to the FSC Academic Office. You are not required to get HoD's signatures and FYP coordinator's on the form, the department will do it once you submit the form. (Only one form per group needs to be submitted. This form should contain details of all the group members)

  3. FYP group members with no course deficiency will have to register themselves through Flex also. (Department will not register them on Flex)

  4. FYP Group members with one course deficiency have to write the registration approval request to HOD, this application is to be submitted along with the FYP registration form that contains whole group’s information. Also attach your transcripts with your application. You can use the template application from here.

  5. FYP Group members with two courses deficiency have to write registration approval request to the Campus Director. This application is to be submitted along with the FYP registration form that contains whole group’s information. Also attach your transcripts with your application. You can use the template from application from here.

  6. If you need any special Hardware or Software subscription for your FYP, please fill out the Hardware Requisition Form. Attach this form with the registration form and submit both to the FSC academic office.The last date for submitting Hardware Requisition Form to the Academic Office is two week after FYP Registration Deadline (in case you do not know the hardware required at start).

The application of students with one or two deficiency courses will be handled by the department. After approval form HOD and/or director the department will register these students on flex within two weeks. Do not follow up before two weeks. Do not email or directly contact HOD or Director for approval. Your application is enough. If there is any issue with the application the department will contact you.

As only one registration form per group needs to be submitted. All the approval request applications by group members with one or two course deficiency has to be attached with this one registration form. For example, if 1st group member has 92 credit hours, he will attach his application to the Director, if 2nd group member has 96 credit hours, he will attach his application to the HOD and if 3rd group member has 100 credit hours he will directly register through flex. 1st and 2nd group members will also attach their transcripts with the applications.  

Registration Process for FYP-II
FYP-II students must register themselves only through Flex.

FYP Ideas

FYPs offered by Faculty

If you are interested in any of the projects offered by faculty, you can directly contact that faculty member.

FYP-1 offered by Industry Fall 2024

If you are interested in any of the projects offered by industy, do the following steps:

  1. Confirm that you meet all of the requirements given in the project details.
  2. Find an internal supervisor who is willing to supervise the industry project you are intereseted in.
  3. Internal supervisor will contact the industry focal person. After discussion and mutual agreement of internal supervisor and industry focal person, students can get registered in FYP I (see FYP Registration section given above)

In case you need further help, please contact FYP coordinator Ms. Lehmia Kiran.



FYP-1 Deliverable Deadlines and Details



Deliverable Name

Due Date
D1 Project Proposal (Topic included) 3rd week Fri-Feb 09, 2024
  Proposal Defence
5th Week Fri-Feb 23, 2024

Software Requirement Specifications (Development Projects)

Literature Review and Elaboration of Problem (Research/R&D Projects)

7th Week Fri-Mar 08, 2024
  Mid Evaluations 9/10th Week Fri-Mar 22-29, 2024

High Level and Low Level Design (Development Projects)

Software Requirement Specifications and Methodology (Research/R&D Projects)

14th Week Fri-Apr 26, 2024
D4 FYP Report 16th Week Wed-May 10, 2024
D5 Submission of signed FYP report to Academic Office
19th Week Wed-Jun 5, 2024
  FYP Final Evaluations After Final Exams Wed-Jun 12, 2024


Deliverable I - Project Proposal

  1. Download the template D1 Project Proposal Template.dotx.
  2. You may see Sample Project Proposals for reference.
  3. Follow the "General Submission Instructions" given below.

Deliverable II

Download the FYP report template from this link FYP Report Zip

You may see Sample Project Reports for reference only.

Development Projects

Complete the chapters 1 to 4 as listed below and submit as Deliverable II.

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Vision
  3. Related Work
  4. Software Requirement Specifications 

Research/R&D Projects

Complete the chapters 1 to 3 as listed below and submit as Deliverable II.

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Vision
  3. Literature Review/Related Work

Abstract, Executive Summary and Reference section is compulsory for both types of projects but Appendix is optional.

Follow the "General Submission Instructions" given below.

FYP Mid Evaluations

1- Report Submission:

  1. You are required submit the soft copy of FYP-1 Deliverable II (pdf) in the submission folder on google classroom.
  2. You have to submit the signed hard copy of the FYP-1 Compliance form in FSC Academic office.
  3. FYP-1 Compliance form and Soft copy of FYP report are compulsory to be submitted by all the groups.
  4. Anyone failing to submit the required documents will not be allowed to present in Mid evaluations.

2- Presentation Details:

You will prepare a presentation of 15 to 20 minutes that must cover the following:

  1. Problem statement and elaboration
  2. Goals: Goals Achieved/Future Goals
  3. Scope: Things that are part of your project, which are not part of the project
  4. Development: Review of Related Applications, Overview of System to be developed including important requirements, constraints and limitations
  5. Research & Dev.: Summarized Literature review and Related Applications.
  6. Work Breakdown with Timelines

Your dressing should be formal and medium of communication should be English. 

Get your presentation approved by your advisor in time.

The faculty will attend your presentations and provide feedback. Faculty will use this form to evaluate your project.

Deliverable III

You will follow the same report template format as done in Deliverable II FYP Report Zip

You may see Sample Project Reports for reference only.

Development Projects

  • Updated Chapters from 1 to 4 with feedback incorporated.
  • Complete the chapter 6 High level and low level Design and submit updated report as Deliverable III

Research Projects

  • Updated Chapters from 1 to 3 with feedback incorporated.
  • Complete the chapter 5 Proposed Approach and Methodology and submit updated report as Deliverable III

R&D Projects

  • Updated Chapters from 1 to 3 with all feedback incorporated.
  • Complete the chapters 4 to 6 as listed below and submit as Deliverable III.
    1. Software Requirement Specifications
    2. Proposed Approach and Methodology
    3. High level and low level Design

Abstract, Executive Summary and Reference section is compulsory for all types of projects but Appendix is optional.

Follow the "General Submission Instructions" given below.

Deliverable IV - Prototype + FYP Report

You will follow the same report template format as done in Deliverable II and III FYP Report Zip

You may see Sample Project Reports for reference only.

Development Projects

  • Updated Chapters from previous deliverables with feedback incorporated.
  • Complete the chapters listed below and submit as Deliverable IV.
    • Add implementation details of the prototype or a software component developed in the chapter 7 Implementation and Test Cases
    • Add chapter 10 Conclusion and Future Work, for FYP-1 it is mandatory to list down a plan of the work to be done for FYP-2.

Research Projects/R&D Projects

  • Updated Chapters from previous deliverables with feedback incorporated.
  • Complete the chapters listed below and submit as Deliverable IV.
    • Add implementation details of a subproblem solved in the chapter 7 Implementation and Test Cases
    • Share the results of the experiments consucted in the chapter 9 Experimental Results and Discssion
    • Add chapter 10 Conclusion and Future Work, for FYP-1 it is mandatory to list down a plan of the work to be done for FYP-2.

Along with the report also submit your  (Turnitin) plagiarism report and (Turnitin) AI report.. Accepted percentage is 15% or less. You may get the (Turnitin) plagiarism report by emailing your FYP Report to library at

Submission of Prototype is not required, it will be demonstrated in your FYP Final Evaluation.

Follow the "General Submission Instructions".

FYP Final Evaluations

1- Report Submission:

Soft Copy of Report:

Feedback of Deliverable IV will be shared with you before Final Evaluations. You are required to resolve all the issues mentioned in the feedback comments and re-submit the pdf of updated FYP Report in Final Evaluations submission folder.

Hard Copy of Report:

Submit the hard copy of your updated document/report, signed by your supervisor, to the FSC Academic Office. Submission Date and Time will be shared via email.

    1. Attach the hard copy of FYP report compliance form checked and signed by your project supervisor at the end of your report.
    2. Get the first page of Plagiarism Report (showing the similarity index) and bound at the end of your FYP Report.
    3. Report should have double sided printing except the title page i.e. all the pages will be printed back-to-back and back of title page will be blank. 
    4. Printed report for this evaluation should only have tape binding.

Both the hard and soft copies are compulsory to be submitted by all the groups.
Anyone failing to submit the hard copy with the supervisor's signatures will not be allowed to present.

2- Presentation Details:

You will have to prepare a presentation of 20 minutes that must cover the following:

    1. The working prototype of your application or experiments and results performed in FYP-1.
    2. Goals Achieved anFuture Goals of FYP-2.

Keep the soft copy of your FYP report ready with you during the presentation. You must ensure that your documentation is in-sync with your application. Your dressing should be formal and the medium of communication should be English. Get your presentation approved by your supervisor in time. The faculty will attend your presentations and provide feedback. Faculty will use this form to evaluate you.

FYP Final Evaluation Schedule will be shared with you via Email.

FYP-2 Deliverable Deadlines and Details



Deliverable Name

Due Date
D1 FYP Poster Submission  3rd week Fri-Feb 09, 2024
  Poster Evaluation 5th Week
Fri-Feb 23, 2024

FYP Project Status

7th Week

Fri-Mar 08, 2024
  Mid Evaluations 9th/10th Week Fri-Mar 22-29, 2024

Test Cases/Simulation Results

14th Week Fri-Apr 26, 2024
D4 Final Report + Abstract 16th Week Wed-May 10, 2024
Submission of signed FYP report to Academic Office
19th Week
Wed-Jun 5, 2024
  FYP Final Evaluations After Final Exams Wed-Jun 12, 2024
  Report Hard Binding Submission for Degree Clearance 3 weeks before  Convocation


Deliverable I - Poster Submission

The FYP poster is a condensed representation of an FYP. It should be neat, attractive, and very inviting. Posters will be evaluated by the faculty panel. Groups will be shortlisted to present their project posters in Job Fair. This will give the opportunity to showcase your work to companies during Job fair. FYP groups will design the posters and the university will get all the approved FYPs printed.


The following is a list of recommended poster guidelines: You may see Sample posters for reference only.

    1. Poster size must be 24'' x 36'' or 2 x 3 feet  .
    2. The orientation of the poster should be Portrait.
    3. Your poster should include the Logo of the University and name of your department "FAST School of Computing, Computer Science Department" at top. 
    4. Don't use too much text - just highlight your major points. Use bullets whenever possible.
    5. Make sure that the font is large enough for people to see it from a meter away.
    6. Illustrations and visualizations of concepts (maps, pictures, photos, design drawings, diagrams, tables, charts, graphs, "screen captures") look nice and can often say more than words.
    7. Make sure you spell check! (Also, note that capitalized words are often skipped by most spell checkers.) 
    8. The top-left part may contain the title of the project, names of the group members and the Supervisor(s).
    9. The top-right part may contain the Project Goals.
    10. The bottom part may contain the Project Plan and the list of tentative deliverables for the final FYP-1 evaluation.
    11. While staying within these guidelines, there is a plenty of scope for an individual creativity through the use of different fonts, colors, backgrounds and graphics.
    12. Do not include too much information. Too much text may obscure the main message of the poster. Limit the information to the key information; rely on answering questions and on your project summary to get across the details.
    13. Use graphics where appropriate.

Submission Instructions of FYP Poster

    • You should only submit the jpeg file no need to submit the editable poster files.
    • Avoid multiple submissions of same the file.
    • Recommended tool for making poster is Adobe Photoshop

Deliverable II - Project Status

  1. Download template D1 Project Status.xlsx from Templates.
  2. You may find sample Project Status for your reference here.
  3. Follow the "General Submission Instructions" given below.

FYP Mid Term Evaluations

1- Report Submission:

  1. You are required submit the soft copy of FYP-2 Deliverable II (pdf) in the submission folder on google classroom. 
  2. You have to submit the signed hard copy of the FYP-2 Compliance form in FSC Academic office.
  3. FYP-2 Compliance form and Soft copy of FYP report are compulsory to be submitted by all the groups.
  4. Anyone failing to submit the required documents will not be allowed to present in Mid evaluations.

2- Presentation Details:

You will have to prepare a presentation of 20 minutes that must cover the following:

  • Project Overview
  • Demo of Working Project. You can also prepare a video to illustrate the project’s functionality (at least 70% time of presentation should go into this)
  • Explain a selected piece of code
  • Plan of work for the rest of the semester

Your dressing should be formal and medium of communication should be English.

Get your presentation approved by your supervisor in time.

The faculty will attend your presentations and provide feedback. Faculty will use this form to evaluate you.

Deliverable III - Test Cases/Simulation Results

Download the FYP report template from this link FYP Report Zip

You may see Sample Project Reports for reference only.

Development Projects/ R&D Projects

  • Updated Chapters from previous deliverables with feedback incorporated.
    • Updated chapter 7 Implementation and Test Cases and chapter 10 Conclusion and work Completed.
  • Complete the chapters listed below and submit as Deliverable III.
    • Add i) Test Case Design and Description, ii)Test Metrics in the chapter 7 Implementation and Test Cases
    • Add chapter 8 User Manual.

Research Projects

  • Updated Chapters from previous deliverables with feedback incorporated.
    • Updated implementation details of the prototype or a software component developed in the chapter 7 Implementation and Test Cases
    • Updated results of the experiments conducted in the chapter 9 Experimental Results and Discssion
    • Updated chapter 10 Conclusion and work Completed.

Deliverable IV - Final Report + Abstract

  1. You have to complete your FYP Report by updating your last deliverable.
  2. Download template D4 Abstract.dotx from Templates. D4 Abstract includes the title and abstract page of your FYP Report.
  3. Submit pdf files of both documents in their respective folders separately on Google Classroom.
  4. Along with the report also submit your (Turnitin) plagiarism report. Accepted percentage is 15% or less. You may get the (Turnitin) plagiarism report by emailing your FYP Report to library at
  5. Follow the "General Submission Instructions" given below.

FYP Final Evaluations

1- Report Submission:

Soft Copy of Report:

Feedback of Deliverable IV will be shared with you before Final Evaluations. You are required to resolve all the issues mentioned in the feedback comments and re-submit the pdf of updated FYP Report in Final Evaluations submission folder.

Hard Copy of Report:

Submit the hard copy of your updated document/report, signed by your supervisor, to the FSC Academic Office. Submission Date and Time will be shared via email.

    1. Attach the hard copy of FYP report compliance form checked and signed by your project supervisor at the end of your report.
    2. Get the first page of Plagiarism Report (showing the similarity index) and bound at the end of your FYP Report.
    3. Report should have double sided printing except the title page i.e. all the pages will be printed back-to-back and back of title page will be blank. 
    4. Printed report for this evaluation should only have tape binding.

Both the hard and soft copies are compulsory to be submitted by all the groups.
Anyone failing to submit the hard copy with the supervisor's signatures will not be allowed to present.

2- Presentation Details:

You will have to prepare a presentation of 20 minutes that must cover the following:

    1. Project Overview
    2. Demo of properly tested and working Application along with the source code.
    3. You can also prepare a video to illustrate the project’s functionality (at least 70% time of presentation should go into this).

Keep the soft copy of your FYP report ready with you during the presentation. You must ensure that your documentation is in-sync with your application. Your dressing should be formal and medium of communication should be English. Get your presentation approved by your supervisor in time. The faculty will attend your presentations and provide feedback. Faculty will use this form to evaluate you.

FYP Final Evaluation Schedule will be shared with you via Email.

Hard Binding Submission for Degree Clearance

  • After having your FYP-II grade uploaded on Flex, you are required to submit three hard bound copies of your FYP report signed by your supervisor and signed by all the group members + three CDs containing all the FYP related material to FSC Academic Office for Degree Clearance.
  • Take double sided prints of your FYP Report, the final version that you got approved by your supervisor.
  • Download the format for Binding (Cover page and Spine) FYP Binding&SpineFormat. Carefully follow all the instructions given in the document.
  • Get the formal reports signed by your supervisor (on the title page).
  • Reports will not be accepted without signatures of all the group members. In case of lockdown, e-signatures of group members are allowed.
  • Note that this submission is compulsory for your degree clearance.
  • Materials to include in the CD: FYP II final report + source code of your project + any other relevant material. 
  • If your supervisor is on leaves and you are unable to get his/her signature in person then do the following:
    • Email your report to supervisor and get his e-sign and approval over the email.
    • supervisor also has to keep the FYP committee members in CC in this approval email.
    • The department will accept the report, and HoD will sign the report on supervisor's behalf. 
    • Department may ask the supervisor to sign in person once the supervisor is back on campus. 
    • If you are unable to reach the supervisor over the email please contact academic office, they will contact the supervisor over call. 

FYP - Rules and General Submission Instructions

  1. Any student having less than 5 meeting count with supervisor (throughout the semester) will be awarded F grade irrespective of his/her performance in Mid/Final Evaluation.
  2. All deliverables have to be submitted on time.
  3. A deliverable will be marked unsatisfactory, if it is not submitted on time or is not according to the required template.
  4. If any 3 deliverables have an unsatisfactory status then the overall grade will be below A-.
  5. If documentation signed by the supervisor is not submitted on time, before midterm or final evaluation, then the group will not be eligible to present in FYP evaluations. Hence the overall grade will be below A-.
  6. Some sections of template can be changed by your supervisor, but you have to inform the FYP committee in advance by email with cc to your supervisor. (Template formatting cannot be modified)
  7. Final year project report is to be developed as the semester progresses. Each student is ideally required to submit (to the supervisor) one page text of what he/she has achieved every month.
  8. For FYP I & II, all assessments will be done for individual students
  9. For FYP II, the evaluation will be based on various aspects of the project like quality of code, functionality, difficulty of the project, quality of user interfaces, etc.

General Submission Instructions

  • Before submission, view your document in Two-Page Layout and make sure that it follows all the formatting guidelines according to the template.
  • For further detail on content you may consult your supervisor. If he/she advises you to make changes in required document/content, inform FYP Committee via email, cc your supervisor.
  • Get your documents reviewed/approved by your supervisor before submission.
  • For citation of references follow IEEE format.
  • Remove all unnecessary sections from reports that are not part of respective deliverable.
  • Name of all the documents (submissions files) should be Title of your project.
  • Submit PDF file only.(Zipped/compressed files will not be accepted)
  • Do not submit multiple copies of the same file; only one submission will be checked.


FYP Coordinators:

  1. Ms. Aatira Anum (
  2. Ms. Abeeda Akram (
  3. Ms. Lehmia Kiran (
  4. Mr. Junaid Hussain (

FYP Committee Members:

  1. Mr. Muhammad Saifullah Tanvir (
  2. Mr. Usman Anwer (
  3. Ms. Hina Iqbal(
  4. Ms. Namra Absar (