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Dr. Zareen Alamgir

HEC Approved PhD Supervisor

(042) 111-128-128 Ext:612


  • Ph.D (CS), NUCES, Lahore (2014)
  • MS (CS), NUCES, Lahore (2006)
  • BS (CS), NUCES, Lahore (2004)


Dr. Zareen Alamgir is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science, NUCES Lahore. She is associated with NUCES since 2005 and has taught many courses at undergraduate and graduate level. She has been awarded scholarship for her postgraduate studies by Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Technology. In her PhD, she has developed combinatorial generation algorithms for subgraphs that can be used for efficiently detecting isolated communities in real world. Her research interests include Big Data, Recommendation Systems, Data Mining, Distributed Computing and Combinatorial Algorithms. She has established a Big Data Lab with the help of students and NUCES administration. The further details regarding the lab are available at Currently, many graduate and undergraduate students are conducting research in the lab using emerging cluster computing frameworks like Map Reduce, Hadoop and Spark.


  • Z. Alamgir, S. Karim and S.M.Husnine, Linear algorithm for generating c-isolated bicliques, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2016. DOI:10.1080/00207160.2016.1226498
  • A.Umair and Z.Alamgir. Product recommendation using typicality based collaborative filtering and churn analysis, International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2016, pp 220 - 225, DOI: 10.1109/INTECH.2016.7845012.
  • S. Karim, Z. Alamgir and S.M. Husnine. Generating fixed density bracelets of arbitrary base, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol-91, Issue 3, 2014, pp 434-446. DOI:10.1080/00207160.2013.805753.
  • S. Karim, J. Sawada, Z. Alamgir and S. M. Husnine, Generating Bracelets with Fixed Content, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol(75), pp 103-112, 2013.
  • Z. Alamgir, S. Karim and S.M.Husnine, Mining Dense Structures by Enumerating Weighted and Multi-level Pseudo-Bicliques, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Vol-5(2), pp 5324-5334, 2012.
  • S. Karim, Z. Alamgir and S. M. Husnine, Fast algorithm to enumerate fixed density bracelets, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Vol-2(4), pp 3323-3328, 2012.
  • S. Karim, Z. Alamgir and S. M. Husnine, An efficient algorithm for bracelets with fixed density, World Conference on 21stCentury Mathematics, 2011.
  • Z. Alamgir, S. Karim, S. Husnine, On Fast Enumeration of Pseudo Bicliques, LNCS 6460, pp 256-259, IWOCA 2010.
  • Z. Alamgir, Combinatorial Algorithms for Listing Paths in Minimal Change Order, LNCS 4852, pp 112-130, CAAN 2007.
  • S. Karim, Z. Alamgir, M. Aurangzeb, B. Anjum, A new CAC Scheme for WLANs based on NUC and Dynamic Bandwidth Management, 2nd CIIT Workshop on Research in ComputingCWRC 2005.