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FAST School of Management Research Groups

MG > Research > CRC

The Case Research Center (CRC)

The Case Research Center (CRC) has been instituted at the FAST School of Management (FSM), Lahore to encourage both faculty and students to engage in solid case research. There is a dearth of business cases related to Pakistan and that is the reason our business schools have to rely on foreign cases for teaching. The facilities that would be provided at the center will be instrumental in bridging the gap between foreign and local cases. The center is a forum for interaction between students, faculty and the industry, and will provide turnkey consultancy solutions to the local industry. The mission of CRC is to motivate researchers to publish business cases and to subsequently increase both the quality and the quantity of case research and teaching in Pakistan.

The activities of the center include emphasizing the importance of case teaching in the curriculum for business studies and equipping faculty members with the abilities to effectively instruct students using the case method. Mr. Hassan Mahmood (Asst. Professor) is coordinating the academic activities related to the center. The center aims at increasing awareness about the local business environment and decision making by Pakistani business leaders for dealing with the complexities of an extremely dynamic environment.


Research Seminars
