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Dr. Saima Zafar

Professor & HOD
HEC Approved PhD Supervisor

(042) 111-128-128 Ext:265


  • PhD (Electrical Engineering), UET, Lahore (2011)
  • MS (Electrical Engineering), UET, Lahore (2006)
  • BSc (Electrical Engineering), UET, Lahore (1998)


Dr. Saima Zafar started her professional career in the software development industry after completing her Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering in 1998 as a Senior Software Engineer at NETSOL Technologies Inc. as part of a team that developed financial and leasing software for Mercedes-Benz Leasing Company, Australia (MBFA). Later she joined academia and completed her Master's and PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2006 and 2011 respectively. She has been associated with the FAST-NU Lahore campus since 2008 and is currently a Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. She is the Director of a research group; NEXIS - Networks, Energy & Healthcare Informatics Systems (previously SNRG - Smart Networking Research Group), and has supervised 40+ projects and theses. She has published 40+ research articles in International journals and conferences. She has taught various courses including Introduction to Computing/Programming Fundamentals, Object Oriented Programming, Data Communication Networks/Computer Networks, Wireless and Mobile Networks, Internet of Things, Applied Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Analogue and Digital Communications, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Linear Circuit Analysis, Electrical Network Analysis, Research Methodology, and Advanced Computer Networks. She is an HEC-approved PhD supervisor and is currently supervising two PhD theses. Her research interests include design and performance analysis of network protocols, computer network modeling, solutions for wireless sensor networks and cellular networks, 6LoWPANs, Internet of Things (IoT), IoT-based Healthcare systems, Artificial Intelligence-based Clinical Decision Support Systems and Bioinformatics, Energy Management Systems, and Energy Informatics. She is a Senior Member of IEEE.