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Dr. Tayyaba Naz

Assistant Professor
HEC Approved PhD Supervisor

(042) 111-128-128 Ext:226


  • PhD (Mathematics), NUCES, Lahore (2020)
  • MS (Mathematics), NUCES, Lahore (2012)
  • BS (Mathematics), PU, Lahore (2008)


Dr. Tayyaba Naz has been associated with National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences since 2013 in the Department of Sciences and Humanities. Prior to joining NUCES, she was a faculty member at Queen Mary College from 2010 to 2011. She has been involved in teaching at undergraduate level. She has taught calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, complex variables and transforms, multivariable calculus and numerical analysis. She has published many research papers in well known international journals in the context of modified theories of gravity and Noether symmetries.


1. Charged anisotropic Finch–Skea–Bardeen spheres in f (R) gravity with Karmarkar condition: M. Farasat Shamir, Ammara Usman and Tayyaba Naz, The European Physical Journal Plus, 136, 1, (2021)

2. Study of charged stellar models in f(G) gravity with Tolman Kuchowicz spacetime: Tayyaba Naz and M. Farasat Shamir, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 35,9 (2020)

3. Dynamics of stellar structures in f(G) gravity: Tayyaba Naz and M. Farasat Shamir, Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 205, 2, (2020)

4. Stellar Structures in f(G) gravity with Tolman-Kuchowicz Spacetime: M. Farasat Shamir and Tayyaba Naz, Physics of the Dark Universe 27, 100472 (2020)

5. Fate of Charged Stellar Structures in f(G) gravity with TOV Equation: M. Farasat Shamir and Tayyaba Naz, European Physical Journal Plus 135, 188 (2020)

6. Stellar Structures in f(G) gravity Admitting Noether Symmetries: M. Farasat Shamir and Tayyaba Naz, Physics Letters B806, 135519 (2020)

7. Compact Stars with Modified Gauss–Bonnet Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff Equation: M. Farasat Shamir and Tayyaba Naz, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 128, 6 (2019)

8. Classification of Static Plane Symmetric Spacetime via Noether Gauge Symmetries: Adil Jhangeer, Nazish Iftikhar and Tayyaba Naz, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 13, 9 (2016)