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Dr. Hira Iqbal

Assistant Professor
HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
On Leave

(042) 111-128-128 Ext:363


  • PhD (Mathematics), NUCES, Lahore (2020)
  • MS (Mathematics), NUCES, Peshawar (2012)
  • BSc (Hons) (Mathematics), Kinnaird College For Women, Lahore (2010)


Dr. Hira Iqbal has been associated with NUCES since 2013.  She has received a gold medal from FAST NUCES, Lahore on her MS. Her area of research mainly includes fixed point theory, optimization theory, and mathematical inequalities. She has published several research articles in well-reputed journals.


1)  Some aspects of generalized fractals and Anti-fractals in Picard-Mann hybrid orbit, M Abbas, H Iqbal, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 2021

2) Generation of Julia and Mandelbrot Sets via Fixed Points, M Abbas, H Iqbal, M De la Sen, Symmetry, 2020

3) Attractive points of monotone further generalized hybrid mappings, M Abbas, H Iqbal, SH Khan, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 2020

4)  Existence and approximation of fixed points of multivalued generalized α-nonexpansive 

mappings in Banach spaces,  H Iqbal, M Abbas, S M Husnine, Numerical Algorithms, 2019

 5) Fixed Points for Multivalued Suzuki Type ()-Contraction Mapping with Applications, M Abbas, H Iqbal, A Petrusel, Journal of Function Spaces 2019

6)  Common Fixed Points of (α,η) − (θ,ϝ) Rational Contractions with Applications, M Abbas, H Iqbal, M De La Sen, Journal of Mathematics 2019