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Dr. Mubashir Qayyum

Professor & HOD
HEC Approved PhD Supervisor

(042) 111-128-128 Ext:283


  • PhD (Applied Mathematics), NUCES, Peshawar (2018)
  • MS (Applied Mathematics), NUCES, Peshawar (2009)
  • M.Sc. (Mathematics), University of Peshawar (2003)


Prof. Dr. Mubashir Qayyum has over 21 years of extensive experience in teaching and research. He is currently serving as head of Sciences and Humanities department at FAST-NUCES, Lahore Campus. In addition, he is founder and head of MathX Research Lab. His research expertise lies in numerical and soft computing, fluid dynamics, and modeling & simulation of fractional, fuzzy and fuzzy-fractional differential systems. Dr. Mubashir has made significant contributions to the academic community through his publications in prestigious international journals and conferences. He is also actively involved in editorial roles and serves as a technical reviewer for several renowned international journals.


1.   Analysis of Time-Fractional Cancer-Tumor Immunotherapy Model using Modified He-Laplace Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, S Nayab, I Siddique, AS Ghallab, Scientific Reports, 2025.

2.    Modeling Uncertain Growth and Diffusion in Cancer Tumors with Heterogeneous Cell Mutations, Mubashir Qayyum, A Bilal, Book Chapter in Interdisciplinary Cancer Research, Springer Nature, 2025.

3.   Generalized Fractional Model of Heat Transfer in Uncertain Hybrid Nanofluid with Entropy Optimization in Fuzzy-Caputo Sense, Mubashir Qayyum, S Afzal, E Ahmad, A Akgul, SM El Din, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024.

4.   Exploration of Time-Fractional Cancer Tumor Models with Variable Cell Killing Rates via Hybrid Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, Physica Scripta, 2024.

5.    Series Form Solutions of Time-Space Fractional Black-Scholes Model via Extended He-Aboodh Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, FM Tawfiq, Z Salleh, ST Saeed, M Inc, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2024.

6.    Time-Fractional Lorenz Type Chaotic Systems with Asymmetric Gaussian Uncertainty: Series Solutions via Extended He-Mohand Algorithm in Fuzzy-Caputo Sense, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, Physica Scripta, 2024.

7.    Fuzzy-Fractional Modeling and Simulation of Electric Circuits using Extended He-Laplace-Carson Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, Physica Scripta, 2024.

8.   Design and Implementation of Fuzzy-Fractional WU-Zhang System using He-Mohand Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, M Sohail, N Sarhan, EM Awwad, and A Iqbal, Fractals, 2024.

9.    New Solutions of Fractional 4D Chaotic Financial Model with Optimal Control via He-Laplace Algorithm, M Qayyum, E Ahmad, ST Saeed, A Akgul, SM El Din, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2024.

10. New Solutions of Time-Fractional Cancer Tumor Models Using Modified He-Laplace Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, MR Ali, Heliyon, 2024.

11.  Fuzzy-Fractional Modeling of Korteweg-de Vries Equations in Gaussian-Caputo Sense: New Solutions Via Extended He-Mahgoub Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, A Akgul, SM Eldin, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2024.

12.  New Solutions of time-fractional (3 + 1)-dimensional Schrödinger model with multiple nonlinearities using hybrid approach in Caputo sense, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, RK ALhefthi, ST Saeed, M Inc, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 56, 134, 2024.

13.  Numerical Solutions of Thin Film Flows of Non-Newtonian Fluids Via Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Approach, Mubashir Qayyum, M Faisal, S Rezapour, M Inc, Modern Physics Letters B, 2024.

14.  New Solutions of Time and Space Fractional Black–Scholes European Option Pricing Model Via Fractional Extension of He-Aboodh Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, Journal of Mathematics, 2024.

15.  Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Fuzzy-Fractional Oldroyd 6-Constant Nanofluid, Mubashir Qayyum, A Tahir, ST Saeed, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2024.

16. Dual Solution of Thin Film Flow of Fuzzified MHD Pseudo-Plastic Fluid: Numerical Investigation in Uncertain Environment, Mubashir Qayyum, A Tahir, ST Saeed, S Afzal, A Akgul, MK Hassani, Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering, 2024.

17.  Mathematical Analysis of Cancer-Tumor Models with Variable Depression Effects and Integrated Treatment Strategies, Mubashir Qayyum, S Nayab, S Afzal, Book Chapter in Interdisciplinary Cancer Research, Springer Nature, 2024.

18.  Exploring Unsteady Radiative Nanofluid Dynamics: Thomson-Troian Wall Slip Effects on a Stretching Rotating Disk, M Hussain, Mubashir Qayyum, M Rasool, ZAMM Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2024.

19. Non-Similar Approach for Enhanced Heat and Mass Transfer in Nanofluid using Keller Box Algorithm, M Hussain, A Mehmood, BH Shah, Mubashir Qayyum, G Chambashi, AIP Advances, 2024.

20.  Radiative Mixed Convection Flow of Casson Nanofluid Through Exponentially Permeable Stretching Sheet with Internal Heat Generation, M Hussain, S Fatima, Mubashir Qayyum, Journal of Mathematics, 2024.

21.  Exact solutions of non-singularized MHD Casson fluid with ramped conditions: A comparative study, ST Saeed, K Arif, Mubashir Qayyum, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 16(8), 2024.

22. Fractional Modeling and Analysis of Unsteady Squeezing Flow of Casson Nanofluid via Extended He-Laplace Algorithm in Liouville-Caputo Sense, Mubashir Qayyum, S Afzal, E Ahmad, MB Riaz, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2023.

23. Unsteady Hybrid Nanofluid (UO2, MWCNTs/Blood) Flow Between Two Rotating Stretchable Disks with Chemical Reaction and Activation Energy under the Influence of Convective Boundaries, Mubashir Qayyum, S Afzal, MR. Ali, M Sohail, N Imran, G Chambashi, Scientific Reports, 2023.

24.  Heat and Mass Transfer with Entropy Optimization in Hybrid Nanofluid using Heat Source and Velocity Slip: A Hamilton-Crosser Approach, S Afzal, Mubashir Qayyum, Sidra Afzal, G Chambashi, Scientific Reports, 2023.

25.  Modeling and Simulation of Blood Flow under the Influence of Radioactive Materials having Slip with MHD and Nonlinear Mixed Convection, S Afzal, Mubashir Qayyum, MB Riaz, A Wojciechowski, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2023.

26.  Unsteady Hybrid Nanofluid (Cu-UO2/Blood) with Chemical Reaction and Non-Linear Thermal Radiation Through Convective Boundaries: An Application to Bio-Medicine, Mubashir Qayyum, S Afzal, ST Saeed, A Akgul, MB Riaz, Heliyon, 2023.

27. Fractional Modeling of Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid between Two Parallel Plates, Mubashir Qayyum, S Afzal, E Ahmad, Journal of Mathematics, 2023.

28.Series-Form Solutions of Generalized Fractional-Fisher Models with Uncertainties using Hybrid Approach in Caputo Sense, Mubashir Qayyum, A Tahir, ST Saeed, A Akgul, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023.

29.  Traveling Wave Solutions of Generalized Seventh-Order Time-Fractional KdV Models Through He-Laplace Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, ST Saeed, A Akgul, MB Riaz, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2023.

30. New Solutions of Fuzzy-Fractional Fisher Models via Optimal He-Laplace Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, A Tahir, S Acharya, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2023.

31.  Analysis of Blood Flow of Unsteady Carreau-Yasuda Nanofluid with Viscous Dissipation and Chemical Reaction under Variable Magnetic Field, Mubashir Qayyum, S Afzal, MB Riaz, Heliyon, 2023.

32.  Homotopy Based Soliton Solutions of Time-Fractional (2+ 1)-Dimensional WU-Zhang System Describing Long Dispersive Gravity Water Waves in Ocean, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, ST Saeed, H Ahmad, Frontiers in Physics, 11: 352, 2023.

33. A Reliable Algorithm for Higher Order Boundary Value Problems, Mubashir Qayyum, Q Fatima, ST Saeed, A Akgul, WWeerad, WR Alharbie, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2023.

34.Closed-Form Solutions of Higher Order Parabolic Equations in Multiple Dimensions: A Reliable Computational Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, A Khan, ST Saeed, A Akgul, MB Riaz, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2023.

35. Multi-objective study using Entropy generation for Ellis fluid with slip conditions in a flexible channel, N Imran, M Javed, M Sohail, Mubashir Qayyum, RM Khan, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2023.

36. New Solutions of Time-Space Fractional Coupled Schrödinger Systems, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, H Ahmad, B Almohsen, AIMS Mathematics, 2023.

37.  Modeling and Analysis of Thin Film Flow of Fuzzified Johnson Segalman Nanofluid Using Fuzzy Extension of He-Laplace scheme, Mubashir Qayyum, A Tahir, ST Saeed, A Akgul, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2023.

38. Modeling and Analysis of Fuzzy-Fractional Chaotic Financial System Using Extended He-Mohand Algorithm in Fuzzy-Caputo sense, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, A Tahir, S Acharya, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2023.

39.  Heat Transfer Enhancement in Engine Oil based Hybrid Nanofluid Through Combustive Engines: An Entropy Optimization Approach, S Afzal, Mubashir Qayyum, A Akgul, AM Hassan, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023.

40.  Mathematical Modelling of Cancer Tumor Dynamics with Multiple Fuzzification Approaches in Fractional Environment, Mubashir Qayyum, A Tahir, Book Chapter in Interdisciplinary Cancer Research, Springer Nature, 2023.

41.  Fractional Analysis of Unsteady Squeezing Flow of Casson Fluid Via Homotopy Perturbation Method, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, S Afzal, T Sajid, W Jamshed, ESM Tag El Din, A Musa, A Iqbal, Scientific Reports, 12, 18406. 2022.

42. Soliton Solutions of Generalized Third Order Time-Fractional KdV Models using Extended He-Laplace Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, S Afzal, S Acharya, Complexity, 2022.

43.  Heat Transfer Analysis of Unsteady MHD Carreau Fluid Flow over a Stretching Sheet with Heat Transfer, Mubashir Qayyum, T Abbas, S Afzal, ST Saeed, A Akgül, M Inc, KH Mahmoud, A Alsubai, Coatings, 2022.

44.  Solutions of Stiff Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations using Residual Power Series Method, Mubashir Qayyum, Q Fatima, Journal of Mathematics, vol. 2022, Article ID 7887136, 2022.

45.  New Soliton Solutions of Time-Fractional Korteweg–de Vries Systems, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, MB Riaz, J Awrejcewicz, ST Saeed, Universe, 8, 444, 2022.

46.  Analysis of Thin Film Flows of Pseudo-Plastic and Oldroyd 6-Constant Fluids Using Modified Residual Power Series Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, Q Fatima, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 99 (11), 100755, 2022.

47. Analysis of Fractional Thin Film Flow of Third Grade Fluid in Lifting and Drainage via Homotopy Perturbation Procedure, Mubashir Qayyum, F Ismail, SIA Shah, M Sohail, KK Asogwa, FT Zohra, Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2022.

48. Modeling and Analysis of MHD Oscillatory Flows of Generalized Burgers' Fluid in a Porous Medium Using Fourier Transform, M Hussain, Mubashir Qayyum, S Afzal, Journal of Mathematics, 2022.

49.Improved Soliton Solutions of Generalized Fifth Order Time-Fractional KdV Models: Laplace Transform with Homotopy Perturbation Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, E Ahmad, MB Riaz, J Awrejcewicz, Universe, 8, 563, 2022.

50.  Constructing and Predicting Solutions for Different Families of Partial Differential Equations: A Reliable Algorithm, Mubashir Qayyum, A Khan, Journal of Mathematics, vol. 2022, Article ID8431229, 2022.


MathX Research Lab

MathX explores into various domains of applied and computational mathematics, with a primary focus on modeling and simulations. The lab's expertise includes fractional and fuzzy modeling of complex phenomena as differential systems. MathX is also actively involved in developing and refining numerical and homotopy-based algorithms.

Currently, MathX researchers are working on fuzzy-fractional modeling in fluid dynamics, higher-dimensional chaotic systems, epidemic modeling, and mathematical physics. Additionally, the team is advancing in the field of soft computing by utilizing neural networks and machine learning for the modeling and simulation of differential systems. These projects underscore MathX commitment to advancing mathematical research and applying innovative approaches to address real-world challenges across diverse scientific disciplines.


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